Saturday, August 16, 2014

Weirdest restaurants around the world

Weirdest restaurants around the world

1- Restaurant in China is a real passenger bus bought a couple and turning it into a restaurant They met with great success and acclaim. 

2- Restaurant in southern China has been designed in the form of a large bath and seats that sit on the body consciousness Visitors toilets and strange that it has met with great popularity. 

3- In the Chinese restaurant is designed in the form of a plane and sitting at tables where visitors resemble places to sleep in the aircraft. 

4- Restaurant Moro Bob Down, which is located in Finland and is located under the surface of the earth inside Jerry Quarry and Visitors are transported to the surface from the top to the bottom, where the restaurant is located. 

5- Restaurant in the United States where food is served in complete darkness where visitors actually do not see anything. 

6- Restaurant in Romania has been designed in the form of Dracula Palace and the visitors to eat their meals in the presence of a representative of the role of the vampire Dracula. 

7- Restaurant in Taiwan has been designed in the form of hospital and wearing fashion in which service providers and nurses to feed their visitors by injecting large size put them in their mouths. 

8- Restaurant in New York stock exchange in the United States and show the prices of meals in a simulated screens for display screens stock shares also suffered as meals requested by the visitors so much.


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