Saturday, August 16, 2014

Markets, Rio de Janeiro | Brazil

Markets of Rio de Janeiro
 Shopping in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Visit markets are a great way to discover the city of Rio de Janeiro, along the Brazilian city there are many different markets which are spread in Rio for short-vegetables, fruits, seafood and pieces, souvenirs and many others, you know with us on the set of the most important markets of Rio.

1- Mercado São Pedro
Seafood market is the largest and most important traditional in Rio de Janeiro, where you can find all kinds of fish and marine organisms fresh, as well as having many of the restaurants that offer meals cooked fresh for visitors to the market. 

Address market Rua Visconde do Rio Branco 55, Ponta D'Areia, Niteroi, work schedules in the market from Tuesday to one of six in the morning of the sixth evening except Sunday until one in the afternoon.

2- Casas Pedro
If you plan to prepare your food with your hand during your visit to the city of Rio de Janeiro, you need to boil market Kipper and comprehensive food products to get you where everything you're looking for, and this market offers all kinds of fresh foods along with spices, nuts and other food products. 

Address market Rua Barata Ribeiro, 370 - Copacabana, work schedules market day from morning to evening.

3- Feira Hippie
Is a comprehensive large market for the sale of everything may look for tourists or even locals, it offers clothing, antiques, handicrafts and paintings drawn and other rare products. 

Address market Praça General Osório - Ipanema, dates of work in the market throughout the day on Sunday.

4- Night Market
Along Copacabana beach and near the area Posto 5, which is dedicated to the sale of products that may be sought by tourists, such as T-shirts and tourist souvenirs and gifts, jewelry and paintings. 

Address market Av. Atlântica, close to Posto 5 - Copacabana, work schedules market daily except Sunday from six o'clock in the evening.

5- Feira de São Cristóvão

Market focuses entirely on providing the type of food and the food, and the festivals are based on the length of the market and there is a large theater presents musical performances. 

Address market Rua Campo de São Cristóvão - São Cristóvão, work schedules and daily market throughout the day.


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