Thursday, August 21, 2014

Recreation strangest Europe

Recreation strangest Europe

Parks similar often includes elements similar like cotton candy balloons pastry shops and producers Rose and other things anyway there parks vary College for the former type and attract them many tourists for things exotic out and if you prefer something unique you can choose between Parks following in Europe 

Land bonbon in Denmark bear the idea of ​​company-inch of Bonn Bonn, which produces candy in the form of animals and other forms of unusual and what makes this park strange group trains and producers Rose and models deployed in the park in the form of animals make sounds and received residues and one of these models in the form of a dog barking voices different to look real, and despite the fact that some people seem to have this sickening but remain a place of fun for young and old 

Park is another park Dickens and we mean here the literal meaning of the word which puts you inside the world of the story of Dickens and located this park in the curser Dockyard where you'll find everything that reminds you of the disease and fatigue during the period of industrial and longer train Premier awful one of the main attractions and call it The Great Axbtishn anyway accept the people here at home Apinz Skeroj awful prison and Vision of Oliver Twist there Tvutema 

Park drama is not an attractive garden for those who have suffered during the Communist regime of torture and is not suitable for those with a sense of delicate but garden to Lithuania attractive place for anyone who wants to know the taste of this drama for two hours, as there are Thelsjy drama grows and grows drama Aasjy 

Enjoy the place ;).


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