Monday, August 25, 2014

Hassan II Mosque, a Masterpiece Of Islamic Architecture

Hassan II Mosque


Hassan II Mosque located in Casablanca, Morocco, began to build in 1987 the building was completed the night of the Prophet's birthday on March 11, 1414/30 August 1993, in the reign of King Hassan II of Morocco.
The prayer hall can accommodate a surface area of 20,000 square meters for 25,000 worshipers in addition to the 80,000 in the courtyard. Ali Mosque available modern techniques, including automatic surface (opens and closes automatically) lasers range of up to 30 kilometers in the direction of Mecca. Hassan II Mosque, one of the largest mosques in the world, Andalusian character minaret rises 210 meters, the highest religious building in the world. 
Used the technique to the extreme service to the construction industry and for the manufacture of traditional Moroccan ancient and renewable always, it is estimated that 2,500 workers and 10,000 artisans and 50,000 hours of work. Hecda the crane and weightlifting, which is the highest lever in the world has been formulated to suit the height of the silo with a large lantern and Aljamor bright, two hundred meters of altitude. Cement and used the doubled effect four not to support the tunnel under the English Channel, but to establish a silo unparalleled. 
By which accommodates at least eighty thousand people. This is not mixing Walid coincidence, but came as a result of the experiences accumulated over the ages and eras, and is regarded as falling within the context of 
  Hassan II Mosque revival Iirat Andalusian and renovated. The Hassan II Mosque is the result of a succession of buildings and installations Islamic, especially the Moroccan ones. It derives dart and manifestations of the beautiful mosque in Fez villagers, so the whole dad at the age of more than a thousand years, it also inherits much of the luster of the Hassan Tower in Rabat, Marrakech Koutoubia and silo, and Alkhiraldh Seville, all hosted by the Almohad Sultan Yacoub El Mansour. The schools share Merinid with the Hassan II Mosque in availability on each locker. But the museum, which is an extension of the closet makes him a real boat culturally lends richness to the total mission of building a leading religious timeless. If we put Ozmana comparison between the Hassan II mosque and the famous temples West we find that the Hassan II mosque is not much wider than terms of area or volume, but also by considering the integration of the spirit of oneness at the Abrahamic Altknlogiat modern abound. If the old mosques remember, for historical reasons, linked to Fez, Isfahan, Kairouan, the Hassan II Mosque associated alone element of maritime dad gives him a special character with a focus on radiation Islam in all of the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea, has been designed based on the Quranic verse {and had his throne water}. 
Did not convey to us the Hassan II Mosque Joe cult Rahman, but returned at the same time to mind the Koran Day message to be heard in all of humanity until We Lunch originality and splendor and realize that they came for all people carrying the promise of tolerance and respect for human dignity. The presence of the Hassan II Mosque score in the scope of religious monuments and the phases of its history and architecture Acetknah my father endured while heading to the summit of its glory and its regeneration and adaptation with the means to highlight the uniqueness and free him from the character of ancient cities. We have constructed the first ancient mosques in the Umayyad era. And between 688 and 692 AD resided Abdul Malik bin Marwan Dome of the Rock, an Islamic monument famous Kalmsadjad Aqsa in Jerusalem. And thus open the Umayyad caliph mentioned the road to great achievements of the Islamic Urban. And attributed to the newborn son of rebuilding the mosque of Medina between 705 and 710 and the establishment of the mosque of Damascus between 706 and 715.


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