Monday, August 25, 2014

Five Reasons pushes you to travel to Morocco

Five Reasons pushes you to travel to

Travel is a relatively rare part of most people's lives, especially if abroad you should consider completely your choice of a country before you go to it. To help in the decision easier, five reasons that you are considering visiting Morocco. Only five! There are a lot of reasons.

1. It is an Arab nation with a Muslim heritage barbaric, and the experience of riding the ferry from Spain between three continents and visit Morocco is like going everywhere across the Eastern Hemisphere, the land of Morocco World War II saw with a lot of historical conspiracies and Morocco. 

2. Morocco and one of the busiest squares in Africa. And El Fna in Marrakech as one of the masterpieces of the UNESCO heritage will not find a better place than.

3. Geographical diversity. With the snow-capped Atlas Mountains and the countryside close to the sea shore of the Atlantic, and both the train ride from the Sahara and Morocco to all offers a very wide variety of geographical landscapes in the modern era. And wind surfing and the highest peak in the Atlas Mountains, or taking in the sights of the mountainous sand dunes in the south.

4. Riad ..... instead of checking in at a hotel anywhere else, and enjoy the hospitality of the ancient Moroccan Riad. Whether in Fez, Marrakech and Rabat, a panel architecture ranging from Romania to Islamic patterns to Spanish. Waking up to the smell of cooking authentic. 

5. Tangier: .... Art Central transit through years of French Amramor has flooded Tangier Morocco ... your next trip abroad if you are trying to see the world, there is no better way!

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Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Orchard Road Singapore

Orchard Road Singapore

Orchard Road Singapore and one of the most famous streets of Singapore and Street Senior Should all visitors to Singapore to visit Orchard Road is located in a special place of Singapore at a distance of 2.2 kilometers and the street is the first shopping mall in Singapore and street retail markets first where commissioned the design and development of Orchard Road 40 million dollars in 2009 located in Singapore's Orchard Road cafes luxurious and beautiful and the most prominent shopping complexes and cinemas in Singapore and five-star hotels and many famous and distinctive places and street strolling first in Singapore.

Photos Orchard Street

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Seoul recreational complex In South Korea

Seoul recreational complex 
  In South Korea

The entertainment complex Seoul one of the best and most beautiful places in the world, is located southeast of Seoul in South Korea. Was completed this building in 1997 there inside this complex Seoul recreational park, which is the most visited and famous in the world. Inside the recreation center offers a lot of entertaining folk, lakes, museums and much more. Visit this place more than six million tourists annually 0.10% of whom are foreigners. It is a place open to visitors throughout the year, regardless of the state of the atmosphere. This complex contains many shops, sporting venues, museums, cinemas and much more from sources attractions. 

There are no large yard Ski where the excitement and fun and is open throughout the day from 10:30 am until 22:30. There are also many restaurants and cafes that offer you the luxury of all services at the highest level. Next place dedicated to video games granulocytes have children. Seoul entertainment complex is a wonderful place and is suitable for a vacation with the family and spend quality time.

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Sunday, August 17, 2014

London's best markets

London's Best Markets

Street bond, which is located in the city center in the district of Mayfair and is linking Streets Piccadilly and Oksovord and is home to elegant shops in the capital and in the street can find visiting Art Galleries and boutiques of fashion leather goods and jewelry and accessories personal and home as well as and this place is characterized by Boukhamath luxury and high-quality products and famous brand names and mechanized shopper to take comfort in large hotels or restaurants or clubs dotted around the place. 

And which distinguishes London that there are areas offering marketing services are affordable and also make the shopper seems to look stylish and of the most famous shops there Harrods is known around the world and which offers various kinds of goods from shoes and clothing for men, women and children, as well as gifts and many of the other things is a place worth a visit even if the visitor does not intends to buy anything. 

And of distinctive places in London as well as Carnby Street, which is located close to Oxford Street and is suitable for those who love the original products are found where antiques shops and stores selling local products and it is the perfect place to buy gifts and souvenirs. 

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Saturday, August 16, 2014

Markets, Rio de Janeiro | Brazil

Markets of Rio de Janeiro
 Shopping in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Visit markets are a great way to discover the city of Rio de Janeiro, along the Brazilian city there are many different markets which are spread in Rio for short-vegetables, fruits, seafood and pieces, souvenirs and many others, you know with us on the set of the most important markets of Rio.

1- Mercado São Pedro
Seafood market is the largest and most important traditional in Rio de Janeiro, where you can find all kinds of fish and marine organisms fresh, as well as having many of the restaurants that offer meals cooked fresh for visitors to the market. 

Address market Rua Visconde do Rio Branco 55, Ponta D'Areia, Niteroi, work schedules in the market from Tuesday to one of six in the morning of the sixth evening except Sunday until one in the afternoon.

2- Casas Pedro
If you plan to prepare your food with your hand during your visit to the city of Rio de Janeiro, you need to boil market Kipper and comprehensive food products to get you where everything you're looking for, and this market offers all kinds of fresh foods along with spices, nuts and other food products. 

Address market Rua Barata Ribeiro, 370 - Copacabana, work schedules market day from morning to evening.

3- Feira Hippie
Is a comprehensive large market for the sale of everything may look for tourists or even locals, it offers clothing, antiques, handicrafts and paintings drawn and other rare products. 

Address market Praça General Osório - Ipanema, dates of work in the market throughout the day on Sunday.

4- Night Market
Along Copacabana beach and near the area Posto 5, which is dedicated to the sale of products that may be sought by tourists, such as T-shirts and tourist souvenirs and gifts, jewelry and paintings. 

Address market Av. Atlântica, close to Posto 5 - Copacabana, work schedules market daily except Sunday from six o'clock in the evening.

5- Feira de São Cristóvão

Market focuses entirely on providing the type of food and the food, and the festivals are based on the length of the market and there is a large theater presents musical performances. 

Address market Rua Campo de São Cristóvão - São Cristóvão, work schedules and daily market throughout the day.
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Friday, August 15, 2014

Shopping in Malta

Shopping in Malta

Every time you go on vacation is one where the shopping necessities in your list, especially if you're going to go to Malta, offering a list of unique opportunities in the field of shopping.

Where you'll find here are many hotels and shops for designers known and commercial markets, and the best places to shop are Valletta bowl intact along the tower Street Julian and bass Phil Hamrn Mosta Bajiba Coast and St. Paul, where you'll see a lot of interesting things in the stores and in the provision of g, which includes traditional products where you will find certainly things you will not find anywhere else and in the shops on the island of Gozo Portomas you can find decorative pieces made ​​of glass crystal, which is the local art pieces that will not only adorn any room but Stzkirk your vacation beautiful comfortable in Malta.

You can also find pieces made ​​of glass in the Medina of the glass near the city of Medina and the opposition is the spirit of the villages in Malta, a unique experience for tourists can not be missed in every village gallery of its own which is not only a place to shop, but is considered one social places that meet the neighbors and get to know the new where you'll find Beersbaj which is held every Thursday and Homard for clothing starts to work six in the morning until one and Kotonara gallery in Kossbekio where is held every Tuesday from the sixth hour until the one which is the largest exhibition held in the island where you can find Yeh vegetables, clothes and souvenirs Enjoy your visit.

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Shopping in Dubai

If you think you are a fan of shopping, you should not miss the biggest event of the year, shopping in Dubai Shopping Festival, which will have huge discounts and a place where you'll find everything you want 

There are many reasons that make you postpone purchases until the month of January and February, and experimenting with new opportunities for shopping in Dubai here will have the opportunity to buy many of the clothing brands at low prices buy unique products visit tourist places to find things cheaper after the winter holidays, and many other things 

Shopping Festival, where you can enter without paying any fees and extends between the middle of January until the end of February where you can find discounts of up to 75% and you can go for more shopping centers fame in Dubai such as Gomera Plaza and Center Gomera and center Borgmann and Center Holiday Inn and many features of this event million visitors and are at the festival some stores offer in the open spaces and the establishment of fashion shows and fireworks and laser shows and offers film screenings and presentations for children 

It can try bazaars known in the market and Arabs believe it is good to negotiate with the seller when you buy something where you can go to the fish market and the gold market and the market of spices and although you will not really be bought fish from Dubai to take with you to your country, but it is a place worth visiting during Offers fishermen In addition to all the foregoing, it is a good place to buy carpets

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Commercial complexes in Munich

Shops in Munich

Today I put between your hands some of the malls, as well as what is known as Stoute Litt coordinates and websites for more information for more reports surf Blog.

1. Complex OEZ:

Complex Olympia Einkaufszentrum and shortening OEZ occurred near the Olympic Park in Munich and contains approximately 135 to store and company in addition to restaurants and cafes.

Coordinates48.184275, 11.532186

2. The Riem Arcaden complex:

The complex The Riem Arcaden of the best malls in Munich, where 120 contains a shop in addition to the restaurants and cafes and is considered one of the most popular cafes in the eastern Munich.

Coordinates48.132832, 11.692714

3. Ingolstadt Village Complex:

Complex Outlet Ingolstadt Village Outlet Like a previous complexes and is about 70 km from the center of Munich and distinctive prices.

Coordinates48.767520, 11.426343

4. Complex Shopping center Neuperlach pep Munich:

With about 125 shop specializing center is located in the east of Munich and consists of three floors with a lot of distinctive shops.

Coordinates48.101390, 11.643511
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