Monday, August 25, 2014

Five Reasons pushes you to travel to Morocco

Five Reasons pushes you to travel to

Travel is a relatively rare part of most people's lives, especially if abroad you should consider completely your choice of a country before you go to it. To help in the decision easier, five reasons that you are considering visiting Morocco. Only five! There are a lot of reasons.

1. It is an Arab nation with a Muslim heritage barbaric, and the experience of riding the ferry from Spain between three continents and visit Morocco is like going everywhere across the Eastern Hemisphere, the land of Morocco World War II saw with a lot of historical conspiracies and Morocco. 

2. Morocco and one of the busiest squares in Africa. And El Fna in Marrakech as one of the masterpieces of the UNESCO heritage will not find a better place than.

3. Geographical diversity. With the snow-capped Atlas Mountains and the countryside close to the sea shore of the Atlantic, and both the train ride from the Sahara and Morocco to all offers a very wide variety of geographical landscapes in the modern era. And wind surfing and the highest peak in the Atlas Mountains, or taking in the sights of the mountainous sand dunes in the south.

4. Riad ..... instead of checking in at a hotel anywhere else, and enjoy the hospitality of the ancient Moroccan Riad. Whether in Fez, Marrakech and Rabat, a panel architecture ranging from Romania to Islamic patterns to Spanish. Waking up to the smell of cooking authentic. 

5. Tangier: .... Art Central transit through years of French Amramor has flooded Tangier Morocco ... your next trip abroad if you are trying to see the world, there is no better way!

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Saturday, August 16, 2014

Restaurant "to Akuchina" in "Al Faisaliah Hotel" offers a new list of Tuscan cuisine

Declared the restaurant "to Akuchina" the most prominent Italian restaurants in "Al Faisaliah Hotel," a global Rosewood Hotels announced the launch of a new menu prepared by Chef Nicolas Rousseau, who was appointed recently.

Use Nicolas authentic Tuscan Italian flavors brought from the kitchens of huts beautiful villages in various parts of Tuscany to the Al Faisaliah Hotel, and resulted touches Chef Nicolas contemporary Tuscan food for a variety of dishes on the exclusive list of the restaurant. 
Said Alex Pichel, Managing Director of Al Faisaliah Hotel: "Enjoy Chef Nicolas Rousseau curriculum vitae bus in the culinary field and learn methods of cooking impressive over the many years he worked in various parts of the world, and we are very happy to have him join our team, and we look forward to welcoming guests to tasted dishes from our list of the new. "
The list includes Chef Nicolas classic dishes like caprese fragile that had been prepared from the leaves of fresh basil and red tomatoes and mozzarella cheese, and touches chef creative dish "Yufu 64" is a hard-boiled egg on the backburner served with beans green crunchy and bayonets plant asparagus and white mushroom Albrosina. 
The dishes include new menu "Bachira" It is a dish Luxury contains the spaghetti in the tube along with eggplant delicacy, and tomato sauce Small served with cheese Albrta rich, dish salmon Trancio DVD, which is a sliced ​​salmon fillet cooked on the backburner served with potato Voundan and the spears of asparagus and crispy dish of basil oil. 
On this occasion, said Nicolas Rousseau Schiff kitchen does not Cucina: "As a chef made ​​a trip around the world, I am pleased to offer my experiences to the global Al Faisaliah Hotel, and I am honored to present the new list that contains the authentic flavors of traditional Tuscan contemporary touches." 
He joined Chef Nicolas to Al Faisaliah Hotel, bringing with him more than ten years of international experience, which included Italy and the United Kingdom trained in Italy, which is supported by the Academy "is not Amis de Cordon Lalu".
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The best restaurants in Barcelona

The best restaurants in Barcelona

1- Restaurant Ojot de Avignon is located in Carrer de la Trinitat and is one of the best restaurants in Barcelona and meant celebrity men and society. 

2- Restaurant L. Reese said de Balta and is located in the Carrier Arapau and characterized in proportion Mokulath with young people and it is designed in the form of a wonderful old house is intended for guests with some modern touches. 

3- Restaurant is located in Barcelona chemistry Carrier Andastra and is characterized by modern design appropriate for the spirit of the age and Bmokulath outstanding. 

4- Bottafomiro Münchau restaurant offers seafood and fish and shellfish and also serves meat and this restaurant is very suitable for dinner it offers a romantic atmosphere calm. 

5- Restaurant Jean-Luc Figueras and offers Catalan varieties with special varieties and is characterized by the quiet ambiance and attractive design. 

6- Gig restaurant and is serves Catalan with touches where innovation and characterized by skillfully chef in the preparation of food items and is a wonderful restaurant for dinner. 

7- Habibi Restaurant is a Lebanese restaurant offers varieties of Arabic sweets and famous as well as a variety of other varieties of the Arab environment and always uses fresh ingredients. 

8- Phil Manila Filipino restaurant is characterized by its simplicity and for presenting excellent varieties of cuisines and food and the quality of service also offers snacks.

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The best restaurants in Madrid / Spain

The best restaurants in Madrid

1- Basha Restaurant is a restaurant located in the middle of the Syrian Madrid and is characterized by the place of Arab design sofas and pillows, and water fountains, and the restaurant offers dishes such as grilled Arab and casseroles and fruit and Almsagah and rice and tabbouleh with authorities and provide reviews of oriental visitors. 

2- Restaurant Thousand and One Nights is a restaurant specializing in Lebanese cuisine is located in St. Martin de los Heros and offers reviews of Oriental Food & Beverage beside the famous Arabic such as lamb stuffed with rice and minced meat and grill and hors d'oeuvres and desserts. 

3- Restaurant is a restaurant specializing in Arabic Moroccan cuisine and is located in the Piedmont Avenue neighborhood Tchouka and is characterized by its design and offers Moroccan cuisine such as Western couscous and tagines and authorities and Albastella Kzubayb and dry fruits and beverages such as coffee and green tea. 

4- Restaurant Sushi Bar is a restaurant specializing in Japanese cuisine such as marine salmon raw oysters and Sushi sea. 

5- Restaurant Daever X or located in Binsamiynto of Spain serves her character like an Asian mushroom burgers with butter. 

6- Zara Restaurant is located in the street Anvantas respect to providing food from Cuba, such as meat and seafood. 

7- Sula Madrid restaurant is located in George Joan characterized by elegantly designed and His Excellency and is competent to provide new ways of cooking based on the Science of Food and Chemical offered by tapas and is from Spain.

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Components that is known for its European cuisine

Components that is known for its European cuisine

Kitchen features European diversity to the different its countries where there are the recipes of the Italian cuisine and French and English and Turkish and Greek and Spanish and Dutch, and this is characterized by each country ingredients used in the preparation of feed it, as well as different methods of food industry in and composed Food Aruban of several components It is used extensively in the preparation of foods and different meals and most famous of these components are:

- Various types of meat such as veal and tomato sauce and bread flour milled rice and potatoes, spaghetti, macaroni and green peppers and fish and shrimp and squid and mussels and chicken and green onions and garlic and tomatoes and peas and red peppers and parsley and saffron and apple cider vinegar and chicken broth, garlic, olive oil and parsley, salt, black pepper and cream, sugar, eggs and vanilla and cheese and biscuits and squid and milk and breadcrumbs and curry and turmeric and ginger and cloves and chicken broth and soups and thyme and olive and lobsters and red onion, mushrooms, mushroom sauce and lemon and berries and lemon juice and corn flour and vegetable oil and long-grain rice and short grain rice.

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Strangest French cuisine

Strangest French cuisine

1- Chicken Cordon Bleu is the preparation of this dish of Fried chicken breasts from the bone and the skin and the Swiss cheese and Turkish smoked paprika and flour, and butter and chicken broth and cornstarch. 

2- ِCreamy pasta are prepared eaters of squid and shrimp and Gandovlje fillet, macaroni and spaghetti, onion, salt, black pepper and spices and coriander fish and cheese Rumi and chopped parsley. 

3- Spaghetti Bolognese are prepared this dish of spaghetti pasta and minced meat and onions and tomatoes and carrots and tomato sauce and gravy and cheese Rumi and corn oil, salt, black pepper and nutmeg. 

4- Musset's mangoes are prepared from mango puree and gelatin and whipped cream and egg whites, sugar and lemon. 

5- Blueberry semolina is prepared from milk, sugar, semolina and gelatin and egg yolk and vanilla and precious sauce and vanilla, berries and strawberry jelly. 

6- Layered colored juice is prepared from fruits such as kiwi multiple colors and strawberries and melons and peaches and bananas and cream and yogurt. 

7- Alroka authority is prepared watercress and sliced ​​mushrooms and grated Parmesan cheese and lemon juice and salt.

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Meals distinctive of India

And non-traditional meals from India
1- Chicken Tikka warm and be prepared from chicken breast and yogurt and red pepper is hot and grill. 

2- Nuggets kebabs are prepared from minced meat, garlic, ginger and green chili and red chili 

3- AltiKa sauce is prepared from Alhbhr red and mint, garlic, turmeric and spices and is one of the appetizers, which should be kept in the refrigerator for two weeks prior to their submission. 

4- tandoori meat and meat consists of evacuees from the bone or bone as desired with tandoori powder and spices and is Xue. 

5- Alhankara and be prepared dough and boiled potatoes, spices and green chili that is Faramh. 

6- Tagine Indian and consists of lamb Chelates of bone and is cut into cubes with chopped onions and curry and spices and is cooked in the oven. 

7- Indian rice consists of rice and chicken Chelates of bone and turmeric and spices and onion and tomato section. 

8- Indian power and consists of cabbage and carrots and coconut milk and turmeric and spices. 

9- pies and vegetables consist of peas and green chili that is Faramh and spices and dough and are cooked in the oven. 

10- Indian dough consisting of flour, oil and salt and Khmer.

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Weirdest restaurants around the world

Weirdest restaurants around the world

1- Restaurant in China is a real passenger bus bought a couple and turning it into a restaurant They met with great success and acclaim. 

2- Restaurant in southern China has been designed in the form of a large bath and seats that sit on the body consciousness Visitors toilets and strange that it has met with great popularity. 

3- In the Chinese restaurant is designed in the form of a plane and sitting at tables where visitors resemble places to sleep in the aircraft. 

4- Restaurant Moro Bob Down, which is located in Finland and is located under the surface of the earth inside Jerry Quarry and Visitors are transported to the surface from the top to the bottom, where the restaurant is located. 

5- Restaurant in the United States where food is served in complete darkness where visitors actually do not see anything. 

6- Restaurant in Romania has been designed in the form of Dracula Palace and the visitors to eat their meals in the presence of a representative of the role of the vampire Dracula. 

7- Restaurant in Taiwan has been designed in the form of hospital and wearing fashion in which service providers and nurses to feed their visitors by injecting large size put them in their mouths. 

8- Restaurant in New York stock exchange in the United States and show the prices of meals in a simulated screens for display screens stock shares also suffered as meals requested by the visitors so much.

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The most romantic restaurants around the world


The most romantic restaurants around the world

1- Restaurants Huka Lodge 
Located near Taupo on the island is located in the north of New Zealand and enables couples to get tables on the Waikato River and is the region of the areas where they feel pioneers isolated from the rest of the people in the world. 

2- Restaurant Omburesa 
Located on the island of Santorini in Greece, and this region is one of the best areas where visitors can watch the sunset there. 

3- Lagoon Restaurant 
Located in the St. Regis resort in the state of Polynesia in France and the region is characterized by white sand beaches and clear blue for its water, which is located directly above the restaurant. 

4- Restaurant Aataha 
Located close to the bottom of the sea Rangali Island in the Maldives and is characterized as visitors can watch the nature of water and fish, and are over their heads and swim alongside them and beneath them as the restaurant walls and roof and floor of the glass. 

5- Restaurant Il San Pietro di Positano 
Located in Italy on the Amalfi Coast, and visitors can watch the slopes of the coast directly Visitors also makes the food they eat by candlelight. 
6- Restaurant Le Pont de la Tour 
Located on the River Thames in London, UK, and is overlooking the historic Tower Bridge. 

7- Cottage Point Restaurant in 
Located in the port of Sydney in Australia and offers visitors the opportunity to independence seaplane.

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Traveler's Guide Vegetable


Ideas for the traveler vegetarian!

- Use an application as soon as Square, which was created originally to twitter travelers and publish what they want on the social networking site Twitter and it gives the possibility to explore the places visited or traffic in order to make friends know where you are can also be application users to leave notes and photos comments and suggestions and others can be found. 

- Find places to sell natural juices and Chinese restaurants that offer varieties suitable for vegetarians in the absence of special places for vegetarian food in the area where you are located. 

- Experience soups, salads and side dishes in case you are in a rural area with no places to sell juices or Chinese restaurants, but the existence of a private fish restaurants you can choose from a menu of the foregoing and commensurate with you. 

- Ask only if they are unable to find anything of the foregoing you can ask anyone who might know a what a restaurant or place that serves vegetarian and maybe if I asked the cook could prepare you food you are comfortable with, such as not to put any kind of meat in pizza It is possible if you are a person that is characterized by genteel owner of the hotel allows you to use the kitchen so that you can prepare your own meals.

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